Oxum lava meus olhos - charango arrangement

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Oxum lava meus olhos - charango arrangement


Oxum lava meus olhos - charango arrangement.

A charango arrangement of this beautiful, beautiful traditional song from the Umbanda and Umbandaime traditions, source/author unknown.

In the key of C major, comfortable chords to play, very very pretty melody. Has been used numerous times in ceremonial contexts, it’s a bon-bon, a soothing sweet lullaby, dedicated to Oxum, the goddess orixá of the sweet waters and so much more.





[More info about Oxum : below text quoted from MonÁxi’s amazing version of Ide Were Were, see it here ]

“Oxum is an Orixá (diety/personality of nature), the mother of the sweet waters, of the rivers and waterfalls, worshiped in Yoruba, a religion of West African origin, and her Brazilian, South and Central American derivatives, Candomblé, Umbanda and Santeria. Oxum is first and foremost the daughter of Yemaya/Yemanja/Imenja, the mother of the Oceans (Salt Waters) and the moon, She is also Xango's second wife and represents female wisdom and power. Oxum is the goddess of beauty, an orixá of love, fertility and motherhood, responsible for the protection of unborn and newborn children, and adored by women seeking to get pregnant. Her element is water, her color is yellow or gold and her day is Saturday. The archetype of Oxum is of a graceful and elegant woman, who has a predilection for jewelry, perfumes and clothes. She is typically portrayed holding a mirror where she reflects upon her beauty. With this track, MonAxi encourages women to reflect upon their own beauty, within and without, invoking the power of Oxum to deepen the sense of self love and acceptance, and strengthening the concept that everyone has the ability to directly connect to the divine.”

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